Now that Summer is almost coming to a close and I'm getting my Flash Games finished up for the year.
Look out for these titles...
1. Dragon's Quest: Part 1 (of possible 4 parts)
This is a simple rpg sidescrolling hack & slash game similar to Castle crashers. Embark on an epic journey to slay a dragon with hundreds of weapons and armor.
2. Omega Turret
A major improvement from my previous game Alpha Turret. With more efficient code and shiny
new graphics, if you liked the old one then you'll love this.
Beyond the summer look out for these titles...
3. Flash Thunder
A top-down shoot-em up with many simularities to Raiden. With explosions, plasma, and
gattling guns this is fast paced action at its greatest.
Oh noes the suspense! What could it be??
Dunt worry. These ones will be kicked out of the house they have been freeloading on my harddrive for too long now.